
Spring 2009 Reading Series

Carey McHugh & Lytton Smith: Thursday, February 26, 2009

7:30 p.m., Bowdoin College, Main Lounge, Moulton Union
Co-sponsored by the Poetry Society of America

This reading will be webcast live: Watch it here!

Carey McHugh

Carey McHugh’s poems have appeared in Smartish Pace, Boston Review, Denver Quarterly, and elsewhere. Her chapbook, Original Instructions for the Perfect Preservation of Birds &c., was chosen for a New York Chapbook Fellowship and published by the Poetry Society of America in 2008. She currently lives in Manhattan and teaches writing in the Bronx.
Listen to poems by Carey McHugh.

Lytton Smith

Lytton Smith was born in Galleywood, England, and lives in New York City, where he is a founding member of Blind Tiger Poetry, a group which aims to find innovative ways to promote contemporary poetry. His poems and reviews have appeared in American Letters & Commentary, The Atlantic, Bateau, The Believer, Boston Review, Colorado Review, Denver Quarterly, Ninth Letter, Tin House, Verse, and the anthology All That Mighty Heart: London Poems. His book, The All-Purpose Magical Tent (Nightboat Books, 2009) was selected by Terrance Hayes for the Nightboat Prize. His chapbook, Monster Theory, was selected by Kevin Young for a Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowship and published in 2008. He has taught creative writing, translation, and expository writing at Columbia University.
Listen to poems by Lytton Smith.