Represented Journals and Publishers
The following journals and publishers are represented by work appearing on From the Fishouse:
- 5AM
- 7Carmine
- 64 Magazine
- 88
- ACM: Another Chicago Magazine
- African American Review
- Agni
- Alice James Books
- Alligator Juniper
- American Litarary Review
- Anhinga Press
- Argonne House Press
- Arkipelago Books
- Ashville Poetry Review
- Barrow Street
- Bat City Review
- The Beloit Poetry Journal
- Betony Press
- BKMK Press
- Blackbird
- Blue Mesa Review
- BOA Editions
- Bomb
- Born Magazine
- Boston Review
- Brilliant Corners
- Caduceus
- The Café Review
- Callaloo
- Catamaran
- The Carolina Quarterly
- CavanKerry Press
- Cave Canem
- Chautauqua Literary Journal
- Cherry Grove Collections
- Cimarron Review
- Coconut
- Coffee House Press
- Columbia
- Crab Orchard Review
- Cream City Review
- Cue
- Drunken Boat
- The English Journal
- Fence
- Folio
- Foothills Publishing
- Four Way Books
- The Georgia Review
- The Gettysburg Review
- Graywolf Press
- The Greensboro Review
- Grove Press
- Gulf Coast
- Hambone
- Harvard Review
- Hayden’s Ferry Review
- HEArt Quarterly
- Heliotrope
- Hotel Amerika
- How2
- The Hudson Review
- Hunger Mountain
- Image
- The Iowa Review
- Indiana Review
- Inkwell
- International Poetry Review
- The Journal
- The Kenyon Review
- Kalliope
- Konundrum Engine Literary Review
- La Petite Zine
- Lucid Stone
- Mammoth Press
- The Massachusetts Review
- mem
- Memorious
- Meridian
- Michigan Quarterly Review
- Mid-American Review
- Milkweed Editions
- Mississippi Review
- The New Criterion
- New England Review
- New Issues
- The New Republic
- Nimrod International Journal of Pose and Poetry
- No Tell Books
- nocturnes (re)view of the literary arts
- North American Review
- North Dakota Quarterly
- Northwest Review
- Palanquin Press
- The Paris Review
- Parnassus: Poetry in Review
- Passages North
- Pearl Editions
- Pen America
- Pennsylvania English
- Persea Books
- Pierogi Press
- Pleiades
- Ploughshares
- Poetry
- Poetry Daily
- Poetry International
- Poet Lore
- PN Review (UK)
- Post Road
- Prairie Schooner
- Quarterly West
- Qwerty
- Rattapallax
- Rattle
- Rivendell
- River City
- Sarabande Books
- Saturnalia Books
- Semantikon
- The Sewanee Review
- Sewanee Theological Review
- Shade
- Shampoo Poetry
- Shenandoah
- Softblow
- SOLO: A Journal of Poetry
- The Southeast Review
- Southern Poetry Review
- The Southern ReviewSpinning Jenny
- Sutton Hoo Press
- Swink
- Third Coast
- Tin House
- Tinfish Press
- Traprock Books
- Tupelo Press
- University of Georgia Press
- University of Iowa Press
- University of Pittsburgh Press
- University Press of Florida
- The US Latino Review
- Verse Press
- The Virginia Quarterly Review
- Washington Square
- Whit Press
- Willow Springs
- Witness
- Yankee