Gregory Pardlo is a 2005 New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow in poetry and the recipient of a 2006 fellowship in translation from the National Endowment for the Arts. He has also received fellowships from The New York Times, the MacDowell Colony, the Lotos Club, the Seaside Institute, and Cave Canem. His volume of translations from the Danish poet Niels Lyngsoe, Pencil of Rays and Spiked Mace (BookThug), was published in 2004. His first book of poems, Totem (American Poetry Review, 2007), was chosen by Brenda Hillman for the 2007 American Poetry Review/Honickman Prize; and his second collection, Digest (Four Way Books, 2014), was awarded the 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry.
Last modified: April 18, 2016