April Ossmann


April Ossmann was executive director of Alice James Books from 2000 – 2008, and left to launch her consulting business, helping poets to get published. She edits book manuscripts for and offers publishing advice to poets hoping to find a publisher (or to self-publish).

She is the author of Anxious Music (Four Way Books, 2007), and has published poetry in numerous journals including Prairie Schooner, The Spoon River Poetry Review, Harvard Review andColorado Review, and in anthologies including From the Fishouse (Persea Books, 2009), and is the recipient of several awards for her poetry, including a Prairie Schooner Readers’ Choice Award.

She teaches poetry workshops at The Writer’s Center in White River Junction, Vermont, using a non-traditional workshop method she developed intended to teach poets to revise their work more objectively (as an editor would), and has taught creati

First posted: August 15, 2006

Last modified: April 18, 2016