Chen Chen Q&A on a favorite poem
Chen Chen reads and talks about Kazumi Chin’s poem “The Very Last New Year’s Resolution,” from Chin’s collection Having a Coke With Godzilla.
Chen Chen reads and talks about Kazumi Chin’s poem “The Very Last New Year’s Resolution,” from Chin’s collection Having a Coke With Godzilla.
Rebecca Gayle Howell talks about how she came to poetry.
Rebecca Gayle Howell talks about the difficulty she finds in writing poems.
francine j. harris talks about reading poems aloud as she writes.
francine j. harris talks about the genesis of her poem, “escape (after Michael Jackson and for Blair).”
francine j. harris Q&A talks about what she finds most attractive and interesting about Fishouse.
Chloe Honum talks about the villanelle form, including her poems, “Come Back” and “The Tulip Flame.”
Chloe Honum talks about reading her work aloud as she writes.