Francesca Bell Q&A recommends two poets
Francesca Bell recommends two poets for Fishouse visitors to explore.
Francesca Bell recommends two poets for Fishouse visitors to explore.
Francesca Bell talks about reading her work aloud as she writes.
Francesca Bell offers three pieces of advice to young writers.
Francesca Bell talks about the obstacles she encounters in being a poet.
Francesca Bell’s poems appear in many journals, including B O D Y, ELLE, New Ohio Review, North American Review, Prairie Schooner, Rattle, Spillway, and Tar River Review. Her work has been nominated ten times for the Pushcart Prize, and she won the 2014 Neil Postman Award for Metaphor from Rattle. Her translations from Arabic and […]
the man remembers your body, remembers to love you again, flicks you like a switch waiting, ready in the room’s shadows. Loneliness rises from each reclaimed centimeter, a humiliating eagerness rushing you like a hound loosed in woods, your cry like baying or keening, months of waiting become sound. After, the man sleeps, peaceful, but […]
The football players, when accused of raping the drunk girl, said she had approached them, pulled their pants down and sucked their penises into her mouth. One claimed he was unable to achieve an erection despite her efforts. Another felt inappropriate, zipped up, and walked out. One was seen […]