And the way the jury chose to believe the ridiculous stories of the defense…. […]
And the way the jury chose to believe the ridiculous stories of the defense…. […]
Jake Adam York talks about determining the form a poem will take.
Jake Adam York talks about his long-term poetry project of elegies to victims of the Civil Rights era.
Jake Adam York talks about how he first became interested in poetry.
Jake Adam York talks about his writing time and rituals, and about the importance of saying his work aloud.
Jake Adam York talks about the work of Colin Cheney and Kathleen Graber and recommends that Fishouse visitors check it out.
Nothing if not complex, this Electra, but whose? Sophocles’? Euripedes’? O’Neill’s? Giraudoux’s? or the daughter of a wise and gentle merchant who told his child when she was twelve, with hair as black as mourning, “I know you love me, but you really must find someone else.”
Marek calls the erotic sculptures he invites me to see at the gallery where I run into the man who’d once been my life, who’d introduced me to Marek; “Scatology Series,” to which I bring another man, whom I met through another man, who has twice been my lover, and friend to both men I’ve […]