John FitzGerald Q&A with advice to young writers
John FitzGerald offers some advice to young writers.
John FitzGerald offers some advice to young writers.
John FitzGerald talks about form in his poems.
John FitzGerald talks about his writing time.
John FitzGerald talks about some of his favorite poets of the past and some contemporary poets, including Tony Barnstone, Brian Turner, and Ilya Kaminsky, and he reads a favorite poem, “Losing Steps,” by Stephen Dunn.
If I could gather all the sadness of the world, all the sadness inside me into a gourd, I’d shake it once in a while and let it sing, let it remind me of who I used to be, bless it for what it taught me and stare at it lovingly for not seeping out […]
Si je pouvais rassembler toute la tristesse du monde, toute la tristesse que je possède à l’intérieur d’une gourde, je la secouerais de temps en temps pour qu’elle chante et me rappelle qui j’étais, je la bénierais pour ce qu’elle m’a appris et la regarderais avec amour pour qu’elle ne s’échappe pas de son récipient. […]
The light on the icon, The way I see her in my dreams, The core of her at the edge of darkness, In a magic cauldron always full, Never exhausted, That brings her back to life, Guarded by a golden serpent Coiled in the shape of an egg, The world snake marshalling Inner reserves, The […]
On the wall of time to come, A window appears. I open it, let angels in. The vortex in his eye Spins me out of myself, Infinity held in blue iris, Closes around me, Snatches me in Eagle form, Resurrects old scars, Absorbs […]