Coping with Terminal Illness
The day John Wayne died we kept the radio low. You asked about the batteries. We lied.
The day John Wayne died we kept the radio low. You asked about the batteries. We lied.
Godfather of the equation, superscript, optics, vortices and ‘I think, therefore I am’, René Descartes took the credit for lots. Irrevocably splicing algebra and geometry, his lettered crosshairs, x and y, complicated the Euclidian plot of dots and planes, rendering straight lines to curves and triangles into waves. Even Isaac Newton was baffled, allegedly. Where […]
Stripped or gone to seed. By Hallowe’en the garden’s falling back on its laurels; its hollies, ivies and all its evergreens. ~ Neat, how every now and then metaphors declare themselves: you’re a robin; I’m a wren. ~ Propped up in bed half listening for the post half in a dozy […]
The setting sun accentuates a day’s activity in sand shadows that soften, resolving footprints into anonymous hollows. Mini-avalanches subtract the who, why and when. The strand relaxes, easing itself into oblivion.
Jean Bleakney talks about her series of ‘-ion’ poems.
Jean Bleakney talks about gardening and how she came to poetry.
Jean Bleakney talks about her love of dictionaries and one-word poem titles.
This is no season of the quartered orange, squirting and splitting in your exquisite fingers. Like the leaves. You’ve gone, like the carbon-dusted yellow leaves. Last night I dreamt of the dark dogs nuzzling and tearing at the refuse sacks that languished in doorways, that bled like cunts when they slit them. I am hunched […]