Happy Hour
Five in the morning in a dime a dozen pub. The good specimens have left with their hand on a gym bicep with tits. The same Martians always remain. They have lifted the ban […]
Five in the morning in a dime a dozen pub. The good specimens have left with their hand on a gym bicep with tits. The same Martians always remain. They have lifted the ban […]
Cinco de la mañana en un pub del montón. Los buenos ejemplares desertaron de la mano de un bíceps de gimnasio con tetas. Siempre quedan los mismos marcianos. Han abierto la veda […]
Today I am only going to eat your kisses: none of Tuesday’s gray faces. Your mouth between knife and fork while we eat dinner. Forbidden to leave the table before cleaning your plate. You can have more. The dinner guest should not forget to visit the kitchen to compliment the cook: […]
Hoy sólo estaré a dieta de tus besos: nada de caras grises de martes. Tu boca entre cuchillo y tenedor mientras cenamos. Prohibido levantarse de la mesa sin acabar el plato. Se puede repetir. No olvide el comensal pasar por la cocina para felicitar al cocinero: ya sabrá agradecerlo a su manera. […]
I’M NOT CUT OUT for walking around in navy blue wearing a Sunday face and no hangover. I’M NOT CUT OUT for signing a blank check over to a gray man tired of being alone. I’M NOT CUT OUT for agreeing with someone who thinks living is only meeting the requirements invented by the IRS. […]
NO SIRVO para pasear de azul marino mi cara de domingo sin resaca. NO SIRVO para firmar un cheque en blanco a un hombre gris cansado de estar solo. NO SIRVO para dar la razón a quien piensa que vivir es apenas cumplir […]
IN SUMMER the neurons kick in and people walk without concern for a song with no message. The hand that holds a daiquiri rehearsed in front of the mirror its courtship dance to shameless ovaries. Chase the ghost of a penis without hair gel that surprises the ear with something […]
EN VERANO las neuronas claudican y la gente pasea su despreocupación de canción sin mensaje. La mano que sostiene un daikiri […]