It could be the jaguarundi’s Blood on my face
It could be the jaguarundi’s Blood on my face
that twinkle only in your blinking to keep contacts from drying under the canopy of el paso sky where quails run across a dirt path and fly, momentarily, to hide in an evergreen while you pass blue and red handprints on a styrofoam paper plate – a child’s artwork not so tough for the child […]
Thinking all afternoon of Gloria Anzaldúa then indigo snake lifted a gorgeous head a field and river from México. All week before: Dickinson: “To Ache is human – not polite –” All twilight: indio snake, javelinas, rabbit, cloudy emerald water, the sound of frogs. The acrylic smell of carrizo. Deepish sleep and a woman we […]
Ed: We will post text of this poem pending publication in a forthcoming print journal..
Yellow pines No ever no green except where stems brown needles green I walk on the wooden train The fall’s water you swam in one cold morning What you braved That ice path A horse fence Where fences are horses with long hair I braid the tale the fall of stables Four paws touch dirt […]
-the americas War in sun country Lights water with orphans. Braids sawed off. As if arms. Pray for snow, and thistle Blooms purple along Roads. Amaranth grows Beyond the harvest. * Morning sky: more meadow Than metal. A clear-eyed orphan With stars on her tongue, Hiding her siblings In the sun glow. A soldier knows […]
Sunlight on my eyes, the dead among my feet. The sacks of beans, the pumpkins piled in the shed. Even the mice speak of keeping in this time of grief. A ditch like a dried-up lake. Cobs bleaching, teeth. And the shoveling. Will I recognize you —me—within the strata of this new gathering? In the […]