Barbara Jane Reyes Q&A on Tenderly
Barbara Jane Reyes, an MFA candidate at SF State University, on Tenderly
Pimp-Daddy, Blow Me, and D-Z 4-ever are the only legible phrases. Other cut-marks on the squat trunk are hieroglyphs: dark bands of hearts, snowflakes, arrowtips. To be pocked like this. To stand in a corner with shallow roots, one deep tap; to take the terror-etchings, the fleeting love-wounds onto skin and hold […]
Dear Search Committee, Having been footnoted from here to McNeese State, I proffer my CV. For years I edited the Journal of Diacritical Uncertainty and know my regression curves and data collection techniques. I once believed— way back, before I discovered Heisenberg, fractals, Chaos Theory, when I was a boy with a talent for […]
Gibson Fay-LeBlanc, a teaching fellow in the MFA writing program at Columbia University on his writing time
Gibson Fay-LeBlanc, a teaching fellow in the MFA writing program at Columbia University on Oakland Work Crew
Gibson Fay-LeBlanc, a teaching fellow in the MFA writing program at Columbia University on a poem he wishes he’d written
Knowing your shoreline its auburn thirst creatures inside sing one has black hair our legs are gnarled behind the mirror raging with a mountain of birds the song […]