Jane Hilberry Q&A talks about reading her poems out loud as she writes
Jane Hilberry, author of Body Painting (Red Hen Press, 2005), talks about reading her poems out loud as she writes.
Jane Hilberry, author of Body Painting (Red Hen Press, 2005), talks about reading her poems out loud as she writes.
Jane Hilberry, author of Body Painting (Red Hen Press, 2005), talks about a poem she wishes she’d written.
“Since the emotions of the Negro race are foreign to the white man…” You should have heard just what I seen and shrug off a music that cannot be escaped— my sainted mother’s song prizes tarpaper, water’s tap, shuffle of the broom on the roof so the whole house don’t fall in, precious. No room […]
No food full enough to tacit tastings, rice in the palms of her siblings-seven. Unseen her steps and lattices, equally unseen her feats or fealty, her catching. Never known that grain grown straight, though plum honey on my hands each finger sticky sweet in its fissures and webbing. Her fingers splayed, her roots in gloves, […]
As for palm-food, pinched face on the fruit in your hands: that milk is too sweet to be trusted. Fort my part I prefer lime mingled with blood in the whorls of this tattoo. While waiting this out, you should eat, lament the singe and sting of your fingerprints. Sediment here, and mist. Not to […]
Raymond McDaniel, author of Murder and the forthcoming Saltwater Empire (both from Coffee House Press), recommends two poets “everyone should read.”
Little wheel something gnarls in the blood in our Arcadia of mayflies. We make wine from muscadines, little wheel turning inside my heart. In January after the crop floats to Apalachee other cargo arrives—old men boot-blacked before the auction block. Shawl of cassimere, […]
A bat got caught in my mother’s black bathing suit as it hung on the line. The bat was a breast, her fluttering heart, then a lump in the belly, beating mound between the legs, each chirping set of lips, statue in which a woman’s genitalia and mouth are reversed. I […]