Victoria Chang Q&A on obstacles to becoming a poet
Victoria Chang, author of the collection Circle, talks about the most difficult obstacles she’s encountered to becoming a poet.
Victoria Chang, author of the collection Circle, talks about the most difficult obstacles she’s encountered to becoming a poet.
Victoria Chang, author of the collection Circle, talks about what she finds to be the most pleasurable and the most painful aspects of writing.
Victoria Chang, author of the collection Circle, offers some advice to young writers.
Victoria Chang’s second collection of poetry, Salvinia Molesta, was published by the University of Georgia Press in 2008 as part of the VQR Poetry Series. Her first book of poems, Circle, won the Crab Orchard Open Competition and was published by Illinois University Press in 2005, and she also edited Asian American Poetry: The Next […]
Boys on a field— a cold clear light washing over them as they move, shifting lines & circles. I watch their legs bend, their arms curl each other’s waists, bands of […]
The east village glows with slush in early February. It’s Monday & the week seems endless at the Second Avenue Laundromat, where a girl with cropped green hair & silver nose ring sits reading Portrait of a Lady, while two waiters […]
I dial The Number, punch a code to enter the backroom, where I create a profile, with a deeper voice & the curt monosyllables of attraction: Cut, thick, top, hot, now. Nothing seems more hopeless […]
Charles Flowers, founding editor of BlOOM and Executive Director of the Lambda Literary Foundation, talks about the genesis of his poems, Football, The Way We Were, and Aubade, which form a triptych.