Oil Water Rushing Rushing
Water rushing over oil
Oil loving loving waves
Waves seeping seeping seeping
Through the corals sleeping sleeping
Who are you?
Who are you to be human?
Who am I?
Who am I to be human?
Water rushing over oil
Oil licking licking bottles
Bottles drifting plastic paradise
Paradise is of our making
Making unmaking paradise
Who am I?
Who am I to be human?
Who are we?
Who are we? Human?
Oil driving through the waters
Waters driving through clefts in rock
Fracking fracking fracking fracking
Chemicals. Earth’s pressure drops
Who am I?
To be human
In this time
I don’t want
Water rushing falling seeping
Cracking Taking Presiding
At the ceremony of the closing of creatures
Down fathoms enormous once residing
To be human
In this time
Is to live
At the surface
Of a great myth
Cosmic mystic
And fail fail
To enter it