How to Kill a Rooster
Because he’s spurred you
grab him by his neck and his legs
Hold him in both your hands
Look him in the eye
Let him ask
if you are to kill him today
then tell him yes say yes
with your own eye
just before you take him
to the clothes line
and tie him up
by his yellow feet
Take a blade
Cut his throat
Watch his blood drip
to the ground
Watch his wings spread
and flap and flap and
while you watch this desperate bird
and think to yourself
I will never be like him
remember in the end you will
drop him in boiling water
pluck each of his oily feathers
between your fingers
Remember in the end
you will taste him
for good
This poem first appeared in Ecotone (Issue 9) and is from Render / An Apocalypse (Cleveland State University Poetry Center, 2013).