Recording Instructions

Recording Instructions

Recording Instructions

  • Find a quiet room with little background noise.
  • The distance from your mouth to the recorder should be approximately 6 to 8 inches. If you read especially soft, a little closer, if you read loudly or will raise your voice in a poem, a little further (to about 12-inches max).
  • We recommend that you place the recorder between you and your reading material, so that you can lean in to the recommended speaking distance.
  • Wait three seconds after you press the record button to begin speaking, and three seconds after you finish before you stop the recorder.
  • Record each poem and each Q&A segment as a separate audio file.



Do not place the recorder on or near a running computer or other electrical devices. The microphone picks up the buzz of such appliances. It will also pick up squeaky chairs, turning pages, etc., which cannot be edited apart from the sound of your speech.